Monday, April 21, 2014

thing 1 thing 2

Last weekend was sort of a big deal for our little family... We found out the genders of our sweet little twins. If you know me, you know that I love a good party... So naturally we had to have a gender reveal party for these two babes. I went with the Dr. Seuss "Thing 1 and Thing 2" theme:


My mom surprised me and had my aunt and cousin come out for the party... I had no idea! Best surprise ever!

the Meg-ley's of course :)

And now for the big reveal...
We got everyone in 2 lines... Baby A line and Baby B line... and handed out unmarked cans of silly string to each side...

1... 2... 3:

I'm pretty sure everyone was looking for any small hint of blue...


Two more sweet girls coming to our family.

Austin and I feel so blessed to be able to bring these two baby girls into our family. I still can't quite grasp the thought that our family will soon go from three to five but I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for everything and for everyone. I am so grateful that He has trusted me with these two sweet spirits and I know that they will be an even bigger blessing to me.

Here's to TWO more girls coming to the Hunt house... Austin, you better hold on!
Updates on my pregnant self next!

ps... to see the silly string video, follow me on instagram: @ashleyhunt5


  1. i'm dying to know Austin's reaction when you guys had the ultrasound ;)

  2. So happy for you three... can't wait to meet these two sweet girls. Loved being able to share this with you. Love you all!
