Wednesday, October 1, 2014

the day we became a family of five

Did I just say family of five??!!
Yes. Yes I did.

I made it past my goal of 36 weeks and actually made it to 37 1/2 weeks. I seriously thought my belly might burst at that point. Growing two babies in there is serious business. I was set to be induced on September 16 at 7:00 am. My parents and Austin's mom and sisters came up the night before and my parents came over to keep Chandler while we left Brian Head at 6:00 am.

We got to the hospital and they started me on IV's and got me all registered. By the time everything was ready to go, they started me on Pitocin and my Dr came in and broke my water.
Nastiest. Feeling. Ever.
I highly recommend an epidural before they break your water if you can help it. It's like involuntary peeing. And peeing. And peeing. Yuck.
Anyway... When I got to the hospital I was already dilated to a 4, so I kinda knew I would move pretty quick... but I was not prepared for how quick.

I decided to wait on my epidural for a while. Partly because I hate the way I feel when half of my body is numb, and partly cause I wasn't feeling any pain at this point. I actually didn't want an epidural at all, but Dr's recommend getting one in case of an emergency c-section. And I didn't want to feel anything if that were to happen. So about a half hour later, my contractions were rolling in pretty good, so I called in the anesthesiologist for my epidural only to find out he was doing someone else's which was fine. I wasn't in that much pain. Yet.

Eh, maybe 15 minutes goes by... and I'M DYING. Every time a contraction would hit it would last for 1-2 minutes, give me oh a 10 second break and start back at it again... I was trying to breathe (but not really) and gripping the sides of the hospital bed thinking to myself, "Seriously, Ashley? You've got to be maybe to a 5 or 6... are you really that big of a wimp?" I went to a 7 with Chandler before my epidural and it wasn't that bad... But this time, oh man I was in some serious pain. I toughed it out until he finally came in and hooked me up. I thought I was good to go when Annie (my nurse) went to put in my catheter... WRONG. I could feel everything. I don't recommend that either. So she decided to check me and see how far I had progressed. Since I was having twins, and attempting to have them natural, I had to deliver in the OR just in case of an emergency c-section. I was supposed to go in the OR when I was dilated to an 8. So i was pretty surprised when Annie checked me...

And I was at a 10. Complete. Ready to go.

Umm... excuse me?!?

The next 10 minutes were a little chaotic. Nurses running around suiting up in their surgery gear and making phone calls to the bajillion people who would be in the OR when I delivered. Calling over to the OR telling them I and the twins were a-comin'. Dr's running over. Austin suiting up in his surgery gear. Just call him Dr. Hunt. And me, laying my hospital bed. Crying.

I was not ready for this. Not this quick. Before I knew it I was being wheeled into the OR. I don't recommend delivering in the OR either. Cold and white and everyone ready to cut you open at any given second. Yikes. Oh, and let me just tell you, there really were oh probably 20 in there with me. Talk about zero privacy. My Dr, my 2 nurses, Austin, the babies' Dr, the respiratory therapist, the anesthesiologist, a whole surgical team, some random (probably not really random, but to me) people just standing in the back, and little did I know there was a window behind me where people could watch. What is this, a movie?? And don't mind me while my legs are up by my head wiiiiiide open. No biggie.

But really, none of that mattered. 

Well, that didn't matter either because when your Dr says push, you listen. 
Hello, it's eviction day for you, Dip and Dot. Everybody out!

So, I pushed for eh, 3 minutes... out pops my sweet, oh so tiny, Baby A.
She was laid on my chest for a minute before she was taken to be seen my the Dr.
I could feel everything with her birth. And one thing I do recommend is that. Actually birthing a child without an epidural is waaaay better then going through the contractions without one.

Game time Baby B. My Dr broke my water (again. yuck.) and had me start pushing. Well, by this time, I was SO numb, I could't feel a dang thing. Sorry 'bout it doc, but I don't know if I'm pushing or not.

But, about 30 minutes later, my Baby B unwillingly joined her sister in this world. She came out with her feet up by her head (glad my epidural worked for that one. Ouch.)


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Ava Jean Hunt                       Indie Mae Hunt
September 16, 2014               September 16, 2014
11:36 am                               12:12 pm
5lb 9oz                                  6lb 9oz
18 1/4 inches                         19 1/2 inches

Both girls came out strong and healthy. We had to stay in the hospital for a few days to make sure their blood sugars were regular but other then that they have been so good. Good eaters, good sleepers... I honestly can't complain at all. For having 2 babies at once they have been angels and I'm so lucky to have them.

Our first family of five picture. And no, I'm not showing my swollen, busted, cry face... so you get to look at the top of my head instead.

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