Tuesday, October 14, 2014

sister stats

Chandler Kate
21 months
  • Chandler's vocabulary is growing by the minute. Seriously. Some of my favorites:
- "Diet Coke." She seriously asks for diet coke when she wakes up in the morning. Should I be embarrassed? Probably.
- da-bow-da-bow-da-bow. Translation: Bows. Like the bows that go in her hair.
- "Baf." Bath. Duh. And she still hears the word bath, literally runs to the bathroom and starts taking off her clothes.
- "Baby binky. Baby blanky." She lets us know which binky is hers and which ones are her sisters. Same with blankets. Such a good little helper.
- "hot dog." She knows what they are in the grocery store (and yes she loves them) but she's usually referring to the "hot dog dance" on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
-"dipsss." As in anything you can "dip" your food in... ketchup, ranch, yogurt, applesauce, bbq sauce. I'm pretty sure she doesn't care what it is or what she dips into it, as long as she has her dips... With every. single. meal.
-"fork." Without the R. I promise we're not teaching her swear words.
-Along with the last one she's picked up the word "sit" with the occasional H in there.
-"No way." I have no idea where she got this from... But ask her if she's done with her dinner? No way. Does she need help putting her shoes on? No way. Chandler, please come over here. No way.
-"Pease." Melt my heart. We've been working on saying please for a long, long time. And she's refused to say it for a long, long time... But that cute little girl now says please when she wants anything. And after she says it, she gets the biggest smile on her face. And I give in (almost) every single time she says it... I mean, come on?!?
-"snacks." She asks for these every day when she wakes up from her nap. It's usually referring to fruit snacks.
-And my favorite: "Ava & Indie." She goes back and forth between the two girls, "Ava. Indie. Ava. Indie." And when one of them cries, she says, "Okay, Ava. Okay Indie." I love.

  • She loves helping with her sisters. She's always trying to give them their binky's, putting blankets on them, and giving them hugs and kisses.
  • Her favorite shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sofia the First. She calls Sofia "Fia" on repeat.
  • She's gotten really good at giving hugs and kisses. So much that she does it on her own now... and if she's in one of these moods and you're in the room, you're getting a hug and a kiss too.
  • She has to dress herself every day now... or at least attempt to. She gets really mad if you don't let her try to do it herself first.
  • We have moved her out of her high chair and over to the table in a booster seat. She's also completely off her bottle before bed. Next to go: the binky.
  • We're trying to teach her how to drink from a cup. Right now she puts her whole mouth inside the cup and tips her head back so that everything that was in the cup is now all down her shirt. We're working on it.
  • As of recently, Chandler has been my sourpatch kid. You know those commercials, right? The sourpatch candies that do something mean and then turn around and do something nice? Yea, that's Chan. She'll do something naughty like hit one of her sisters and then turn around and kiss their head and say, "Hi Ava."
  • She's fitting into a lot of 2T clothes, size 6 or 7 shoes, and size 4 diapers. 
Ava Jean
1 month

  • Ava is the older of the twins, but the smaller of the two.
  • She's my little sass. She wants what she wants and she wants it right then. If she's hungry or wants to be held, she lets you know.
  • She wants to eat every 3 hours. And at 2 hours and 45 minutes, she starts fussing.
  • Ava is a champion pooper. And a loud one. She may be small, but she is a machine.
  • She has the funniest facial expressions I've ever seen.
  • Ava looks like me when I was a baby. Hallelujah. At least one of my kids will look a little like me. Not that looking like Austin is bad, but come on, I grew those suckers!!
  • She loves to be swaddled and laid down in the boppy.
  • She sleeps in the pack n play on Austin's side of the bed.
  • She loves to nurse and would lay there and nurse all day if I let her.
Indie Mae
1 month
  • Indie is the sweetest little baby. When she's held, she just looks at you with the sweetest little face.
  • She's usually awake the most in the morning and likes to just lay on the floor and look around.
  • She's got chubby cheeks like Chan did when she was a baby.
  • Unlike Ava, Indie is very ladylike when it comes to doing her business. She's very quiet, but you can smell that she did something.
  • She's a spit up girl also like Chan. Sometimes she'll keep her whole feeding down, and other times it all comes back up.
  • She is a quick eater... 10 minutes tops and she's done.
  • Indie also loves to be swaddled, but likes to be in the swing.
  • She sleeps in a bouncer next to me at night.

  • Both girls are being breastfed for the moment. It's a lot having to feed 2 babies (not at the same time. I'm not that talented) every 3 hours. I'm also pumping and giving them bottles to make sure they are getting enough to eat. 
  • Both are in preemie diapers and preemie clothes. Although, I don't have many preemie outfits so they drown in their newborn things for now.
  • I put them in the same pack n play during the day to kick around and no matter how far apart I put them, they always end up touching in one way or another.
  • Sometimes they tag team me and when one cries, the other feels the need to cry as well.
  • When I take one out of our room at night or out of the pack n play during the day to feed, the other one seems to know they are alone and they start to wimper and fuss around.
  • Both girls love bath time, but don't love lotion time.
These girls are some of the biggest blessings. The twins have been so good and Chan is adjusting really well. I still wake up every day trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am a mom of 3 kids! Ah! But they really have been so much fun and I can't imagine life any other way!

Up next: the twin's newborn pictures!

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